How to Memorize By Song

Relax. Pray. Enjoy the Ride!

So you have decided to give Memorize By Song a try. That's awesome! You're in for a real treat. First, here's a brief overview of how to proceed. Then, if you would like more details, read on.

In a Nutshell:

Ask God to help you! Then open on a large laptop/computer, so you can play a song and read the words as it plays. Listen, read and sing along as you are able, and repeat until you know it by heart and it gets into your soul. That's it! If you can't sing, instead simply speak the words in the rhythm of the song as it plays.

More In-depth:

Since our goal is knowing the Scripture by heart, we want to make sure we get every word right and remember it always. Here are some possible ways to do so, after starting with prayer.

1.) It is best to work on a little at a time, so you will probably want to choose a shorter song first. (See the Nuggets page and other single verses throughout the site.) Read the words of the verse or a small section before you even listen. Then listen as you read again. Play it again and try to sing along. Repeat, focusing on the melody to get every note right. Keep reading, listening, and singing along over and over until you can cover a few of the words with your hand and remember them. Soon you will be able to sing along without reading the words. Then go on to the next section. Always add the new part to the old so you are constantly reviewing.

Start small, and before you know it, you will be singing Scripture with ease!

2.) Proceed as in #1 above, but print out the passage so you can easily read it while you're working on it. Most Bible versions can be found at Make sure you use the correct version: my songs are in the NKJV unless otherwise noted.

3.) Here is a quicker method, but not as foolproof. You can simply listen to one of my songs every day for several days, one or more times each day, as often as possible, and the words will start sticking in your mind. If you're not sure of a word or two, you can then look it up here on this website or on when you get a few minutes. The downside is that you will have to relearn it if you learn it wrong, and it is always more difficult to relearn something than to get it right the first time.

4.) This is a variation of #3. A great technique is to download a song onto a computer, iPod, or other device, where you can have it repeat over and over. Read along as in #1 or #2 several times if possible. Drench yourself in the Word!

TO DOWNLOAD AN MBS SONG: Hover (with mouse) over the song player. Click on the square and upward arrow (pop-out) that appears at the top right. Then look for a downward arrow over a bracket, probably at the top right of your screen. Click on it. When it finishes loading, the song should now be in your downloads. [It may be a little different on your computer/device.]

5.) Can't sing? Tone deaf? No problem! Simply listen and speak the words as the music plays. Try to memorize as in #1. Just listening may not get it into your mind, but speaking along will. Be patient, and soon you, too, will be Memorizing By Song.

6.) Parents and teachers: Once you know a song yourself, you can slow it down to teach your child (or anyone) little by little. Sing just a few words and have them sing it back to you, going back and forth a few times; then add a little more of the verse and repeat until they know the whole selection. Slowly work up to normal speed. Then continue to have them sing it every day or as often as possible to retain it.

7.) Not necessary, but strongly encouraged: After you have a song memorized, try quoting the passage by just speaking the words. It will seem uncomfortable at first, but stick with it and it should come. If almost every time you sing it you try speaking it afterwards, your mind will get the idea. This is worth the effort, because you will be able to use the verses in a conversation without having to sing them! Either way, the spiritual benefits are tremendous.

8.) Review, review, review! This is not a chore, it's a delight. When you get a number of verses under your belt, you can create a file of your downloaded songs to listen to and sing along when possible. Try to review every day or so, at least at the beginning. This will help you retain what you've learned.

9.) Be creative! You can combine any of the above methods, adapt them to your situation and preferences, or come up with your own ideas.

However you proceed, include the Lord in your endeavors. Begin with a prayer for His assistance! Then once you have a song memorized, be sure to sing and/or speak it often to retain it.

All glory to God for the gift of song!

PS: about the little letters "a", "b" or "c" at the end of a Scripture reference: "a" means it is the first section of the verse, "b" the second section, and if there are three sections, there might even be a "c". One way to make memorizing this easier is to look up the entire verse and bring to mind the gist of it as you sing. For instance, Isaiah 54:17a is "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." You can remember that this is "a" and not "b" because you know the verse goes on to talk about every tongue which rises against you. (See the Healing page for the whole verse, which you can substitute in the Nuggets song after you learn the shorter version.)