Praises to God for MBS
My goal on this page is to inspire you and give lots of glory to God! Please send your own testimonials to me on the Memorize By Song Facebook page. How has singing Bible verses benefited your life? This would also include other people's songs, as long as they are word-for-word Scripture. When you share, all who read your words can give God the glory with you.
I'll start us off. As I shared on My Passion page. I very often have an MBS song rolling around in my head. I love to sing them while I do dishes and other household tasks. These tasks don't take much thought, so I can focus quite a bit on what I'm singing. The Lord will often shine His spotlight on one verse (kind of like what often happens when we read our Bible), and I'll sing it over and over. As I think about what I'm singing I find I am meditating on His Word, like in Psalm 1. It is such a rich time, as the Lord brings illumination and revelation. I hope and pray that you will be able to experience this!
A couple years ago I belonged to a homeschool co-op, where I taught many little ones my songs. Here are some of their parents' comments:
Rosa: My daughter had a bad dream. I sang "For God has not given us a spirit of fear..." [2 Tim. 1:7] She settled down. Now every night after we pray together I go right into singing the verses. Sometimes [my children] sing along; soon they fall asleep. I don't leave the room until I'm done with all the verses! 2/25/19
Rosa: I have never memorized Scripture. Now I know them, just because of your songs!
Joelle told me that sometimes her young daughter will say, "I'm scared! I'm scared!" at bedtime. Joelle says, "Let's sing our songs." As they sing, she goes right to sleep. 2/25/19 Hallelujah!
Laura M: Thank you for your patience and kindness with my children and for always sharing your heart and amazing Scripture songs! 12/2018
Ianni: We asked Caleb his verse, Rev. 3:20, and he still remembers it. 7/17/19
I [Jenny] taught 2 Timothy 1:7 to our Bible Study, seven ladies. A couple of comments the next day:
Sandy: “For your website we should sing it at church. I remembered it all this morning. It works”
Kerry: “It's been playing in my head 😀 ...Great job”
And more reasons to praise God:
Lydia: "My kids love and memorize songs so easily. So to be able to teach them the word of God through something they already love and comes easily to them is a true blessing. It makes my job as a mother less overwhelming." 5/4/21
Joel [Jenny's son]: "These are Scripture songs my mom instilled into me and my siblings from when we were toddlers. I've sung them countless times, and they've gotten me through many hard times. Music is such a fun and effective way to memorize, and now even in my adult life I sing the Word of God to myself over and over again. Learn them, teach them to your children, reap the benefits of having God's Word swirling around in your mind daily. What a blessing!" 5/5/21

Hallelujah - Revelation 19[:1-6 NIV with repeats] [Feel free to repeat as often as you'd like, even modulating on the first "lu" (for musicians).]
[The way this song recorded, it sounds like someone is singing along with me. Maybe it's the great multitude or the twenty-four elders and four living creatures who are singing in Rev. 19! This is the only place in the New Testament where the word "hallelujah" or "alleluia" is found. In the Book of Psalms, when it says "Praise the Lord," it is usually the Hebrew words "halal" and "Yah," where we get "hallelujah," which is the same in just about every language on earth, and can mean "celebrate God wildly!" So we do celebrate our amazing God for all He is doing in our lives. Glory, Glory, Glory to His holy name!]
I hope you are praising God with us. Now it's your turn! Have you been helped by Memorize By Song or singing any word-for-word Scripture songs? Let me know on the Memorize By Song Facebook page. All glory to God!